In this article, we will describe in some simple steps how to fold a perfect origami crane. For our crane only a single square sheet of paper is needed !
By the way, the folds for our Origami Crane are a bit more complicated. In case you still need more practice, it would be good if you first check our article “How to fold a beautiful traditional origami swan ?”. In this way you may have a great sense of achievement in no time……..
Enough talk, let’s start with folding our Origami Crane !
What is required?
You can thus easily cut an letter size sheet in it’s length,
to a square sheet ( aprrox. 8″ x 8″ ).
Step 1
Step 2
Step 3
Please repeat “Step 2”, but now from the other side.
Step 4
Step 5
above at the horizontal dotted line upwards.
The right and left flank now almost automatically are
moving to the center of the folding.
Step 6
Step 7
Step 8
Step 9
In doubt please check the diagram shown.
Step 10
This requires some practice…..
Step 11…..and…..finish !
Sure, to fold an origami crane is not easy, but the result is more than beautiful !
Please bear in mind the importance with folding this Origami Crane is “Practice makes perfect” ………..
- Make sure that the folds are sharp and precise. It gives the finished Origami Crane a clean optics.
- In order to get some practice just fold an Origami Swan which is a bit more easier to fold and described in “How to fold a Origami Swan”.