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Instructions how to Fold a Perfect Traditional Origami Crane

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Instructions how to Fold a Perfect Traditional Origami Crane


In this article, we will describe in some simple steps how to fold a perfect origami crane. For our crane only a single square sheet of paper is needed !

By the way, the folds for our Origami Crane are a bit more complicated. In case you still need more practice, it would be good if you  first check our article “How to fold a beautiful traditional origami swan ?”. In this way you may have a great sense of achievement in no time……..

Enough talk, let’s start with folding our Origami Crane ! 

What is required?

how to fold Origami Crane things needed
Simply a square sheet of paper !
You can thus easily cut an letter size sheet in it’s length,
to a square sheet ( aprrox. 8″ x 8″ ).

Step 1

how to fold Origami Crane Step 001
Fold the top corner to the bottom corner and fold the resulting right corner to the left corner.

Step 2

how to fold Origami Crane Step 002
Place your thumb in the hollow of the top bag and pull the fold to the right. You should now have a square. Press the creases well to achieve a clean folding.

Step 3

how to fold Origami Crane Step 003
Now please turn to the folding. 
Please repeat “Step 2”, but now from the other side.

Step 4

how to fold Origami Crane Step 004
Please fold now the left and right corner to the center and back again. Press the resulting fold lines.

Step 5

how to fold Origami Crane Step 005
Pull the bottom corner as shown in the figure
above at the horizontal dotted line upwards.

The right and left flank now almost automatically are
moving to the center of the folding.

Step 6

how to fold Origami Crane Step 006
Turn the paper over and repeat step 5 on the backside.

Step 7

how to fold Origami Crane Step 007
Fold the right and left flank to the center. The dashed line in the figure is a good orientation.

Step 8

how to fold Origami Crane Step 008
Turn the paper over and repeat step 7 from the other side. 

Step 9

how to fold Origami Crane Step 009
Now pull the two lower ends, “between” the upper flanks upwards.
In doubt please check the diagram shown.

Step 10

how to fold Origami Crane Step 010
Fold now at one end the head as shown.
This requires some practice…..

Step 11…..and…..finish !


how to fold Origami Crane Step 011
Now just bend the wings, form the ground, and …. 


Sure, to fold an origami crane is not easy, but the result is more than beautiful !

Please bear in mind the importance with folding this Origami Crane is “Practice makes perfect” ………..


  • Make sure that the folds are sharp and precise. It gives the finished Origami Crane a clean optics.
  • In order to get some practice just fold an Origami Swan which is a bit more easier to fold and described in “How to fold a Origami Swan”.


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